The primary purpose of the 1/23/2025 Work Study meeting was to discuss issues that may impact development within the VC Zone outside of the Project Area.

The Village was not considering any specific changes or modifications to the VC Zone, but several Village Residents have raised issues of concern.  The Work Study meeting is being conducted solely for the purpose of being responsive to those comments and to obtain public input on the VC Zone and what the general public would like to see as development continues in the VC Zone.  We will take that input back to the Planning Department and as deemed appropriate will then process those requests through the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Board of Trustees.

 Because of the contractual commitments and other issues within the VC Zone Project Area (most of which is under contract to the Palindrome Communities) the discussions at the Work Study should to the extent practical exclude the Project Area.  The Project Area is not subject to the Moratorium and significant changes in the zoning either through amendment or a text change would need to follow a different path for approval.  Any attempted zone modification by the Village within the Project Area would not impact the construction already undertaken by Palindrome.  Issues related to the development of the remaining Palindrome project should be discussed in meetings and hearings before the Planning & Zoning Commission and Board of Trustees as it considers the Site Development Plan for the second phase of the Palindrome project.  You are encouraged to participate in that process.

On March 26, 2024, the Village of Los Ranchos Board of Trustees passed Resolution No. 2024-03-05, A Resolution to Enact a Moratorium on Processing of Applications for New Development Within the Village Center Zone, With Certain Exceptions.

On August 20, 2024, the Board of Trustees passed and approved Resolution No. 2024-08-03, extending the moratorium deadline to June 30, 2025. During the moratorium, staff have been directed to seek input from residents on various issues related to the Village Center (VC) Zone regulations, and ultimately propose changes that would address these issues. Opportunities for public input and project updates will be posted on this page.

Click HERE to review the VC Zone regulations (ยง 9.2.14 VC โ€“ VILLAGE CENTER ZONE)

Click HERE to read Resolution No. 2024-03-05

Click HERE to view the Village Zone Map

Click HERE to read Resolution No. 2024-08-03