Lost or Found an Animal?
If you live in the Village of Los Ranchos or believe your animal may have been picked up by the Village of Los Ranchos Animal Control Department, call Village Hall at (505) 344-6582.
If we do not have your pet, check the City of Albuquerque's Animal Shelter, the Bernalillo County Animal Care Services, the Animal Humane Association of New Mexico, or the Watermelon Mountain Ranch for your lost pet or to find a pet you might like to adopt.
Los Ranchos staff (including Animal Control) is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. No staff will be available weekends or the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
Animal Control Ordinances
For information on animal control ordinances, please check the Village ordinances by clicking here.
File a Complaint
If you would like to report a complaint to the Animal Control Department, please fill out and submit a form by clicking here.
For squirrels, opossums, bats, mice, rodents, wildlife, odor removal, pigeon control, and skunks, you may call Critter Control at (505) 591-4226 or visit them online at www.crittercontrol.com. There may be a fee associated with your service request. Please contact Critter Control for details.
For injured or orphaned wildlife, please contact the Wildlife Rescue of New Mexico at (505) 344-2500. They are located at the Rio Grande Nature Center State Park at 2901 Candelaria Road NW, near Candelaria and Rio Grande Boulevard. Their summer clinic hours (May-August) are 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Sunday, 7 days a week. Their winter clinic hours (September-April) are 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Monday - Saturday, closed on Sundays. You can also visit them online at www.wrinm.org or email them at wrinm@wrinm.org.
According to the Wildlife Rescue of New Mexico, if you have found a displaced animal, their survival may depend on what you do right now. Except for hummingbirds, do not offer the creature food or water. They recommend you find a small cardboard box and line the bottom with shredded paper or a towel. Place the creature in the box, with a lid, but do not place it in a cage. You do not need to poke air holes in the box, it can breath through the cracks. Complete darkness is the most important here. Put the box in a warm dark quiet place and leave it alone. The creature will be in shock and this is the first treatment for shock. Don't worry, the creature can stay like this for many hours, even overnight if necessary, to reduce stress. As soon as you can, take the creature to the Wildlife Rescue of New Mexico.
Deceased Animals
For dead animal removal within the Village boundaries, call our animal control officer at (505) 344-6582 for further information. For deceased animal removal on private property within the Village, there is a $30.00 fee (cash or check only). If you are unable to care for your dog or cat and must surrender it, there is a $30.00 fee.